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New Beat “GAIN WEIGHT” by: Rodney Watkins @18thLetta
For promo Only! For Tjks
Let TJKS do it for you! We keep tabs on the best and brightest of all of the new artists, groups and bands out there – from underground rappers and emcees to pop groups, to basement indie rock bands and emerging acts just breaking onto the scene – so you can stay in the know. That means TJKS is… the place to find out about new artists as they’re emerging from their shells and taking their shot at the big time. If your new or know someone that’s in need drop us a line. Also to request an interview all you have to do is fill out the from below and a TJKS staffer will get right to you.
New Artist And Interview Submissions
check me out on youtube under tryin to get A fan base so if u can help me out ill be a hardworker day in to day out