Last Thursday morning, Toyrianna Smith allegedly put her three-month-old baby, Ken Blackman, Jr., into a chest-mounted BabyBjorn, and carried him around as she went shopping in suburban Chicago for several hours.
According to prosecutors, though, the baby she carried around was dead, killed after repeated beating and suffocation by Smith the night before.
The Chicago Sun-Times reports that after shopping, Smith went over to a neighbor’s house, who suspected that the baby wasn’t breathing and saw blood on the baby’s blanket. The neighbor called Harvey, Illinois police, who arrested Smith.
The 20-year-old mother reportedly confessed to punching the baby several times before suffocating him to death, because he wouldn’t stop crying, ABC-7 reports.
A story in the Northwest Indiana Times reports that Smith spent the night of the boy’s death drinking vodka with friends in Harvey. Smith lives in Calumet City, Illinois, also in Chicago’s south suburbs.
She is held on a $1 million bond, and will face a preliminary hearing for first-degree murder on July 14.