Megyn Kelly sparred with Rev. Jesse Jackson on Thursday’s “America Live” about the ongoing protests in Wisconsin.
The interview came in the wake of the state legislature’s passage of a bill stripping most public employees of their collective bargaining rights. Kelly’s disagreement with Jackson, who was in Madison protesting with thousands of others, seemed to come down to tactics. Jackson said that Gov. Scott Walker’s actions were so extreme that they needed to be met with protests and walkouts. Kelly, though, thought this approach was too much.
“You can make your voice heard, you can object,” she said to Jackson. “Why isn’t that not the solution, as opposed to storming the Capitol?”
“These workers have been amazingly disciplined and non-violent,” Jackson responded. “What they are saying is, we can negotiate wages and benefits but not our right to be at the table.”
Kelly then compared the Wisconsin bill to President Obama’s health care law. In the fight over that bill, she said, Tea Partiers and Republicans were forced to accept the law’s passage through a parliamentary maneuver. “That’s just life,” she said. “That’s law.” She said the Wisconsin unions and Democrats were “losing, but they’re losing fairly.”
More back-and-forth followed, with Kelly asking Jackson at one point, “how are they in a position right now when Governor Walker tried to compromise even on collective bargaining?”
Jackson tried to get a word in as Kelly ran through a list of what she called the concessions that Walker offered. “You’re going and going and going,” he said.
Megan picked the wrong guy to play spin control with. Jesse Jackson is a master at making a point and having the last word.
Notice the convenient volume track that plays over Jackson’s voice? When Kelly is speaking the track is off or very low and when Jackson interrupts her and has a few words in around the 5 min mark the track stays low. As soon as Jackson starts to speak the track flares up again. Not to mention the live shot is surrounded by gritting unfocused video on a loop.
Kelly tries to bait him numerous times as when she says “what do you mean by revolt?” Fox is at its worst here. Like one of the iconic non-violent principled leaders for the Civil Rights Movement is now going to advocate violence for workers rights when he refused to do so for African-Americans to get true equality! Thats what you call an evil agenda folks
See the cunning camera tactic Fox has used to manipulate their viewers – when Kelly speaks she gets half the screen with minimal audio distraction.
But when Rev Jesse has an important response they shrink him to 1/6th in 7:07, turns down his volume and the rest of the screen shows distracting footages with louder audio to sidetrack the viewers from hearing his message clearly!!!
Fox is despicable!!!