What does a resume from a professional model look like? We introduce you to Miss Nique, Representing the heat of Miami A real 305 baby that knows what she wants and takes every extreme measures to make sure they are achieved:
My name is Miss Nique and am just an regular person that is getting an buzz online. I have two successful sites that recently launched http://missniqueunleashed.com/ an www.uluvmissnique.com. An been featured in an few mags and blogging sites.
Name: Miss Nique
Birth Place: Miami, Florida
State of residency: Florida
Date of Birth: 06/20/1987
Birth Sign: Gemini
Ethnic Background Afro Cuban
Height: 5’6
Weight: 140
Measurements: 34c 24 40
TJKS: First of all Miss Nique, Thanks for stopping by the Thejamkingshow we really appreciate you being a part of the movement! and we are definitely glad to have you on the site in such a big way!
TJKS: Where are you from?
Miss Nique: I am from Miami, Florida
TJKS: What are your measurements?
Miss Nique: 34 c 24 40
TJKS: What do you think is your best physical attribute?
Miss Nique: In my opinion my nose its distinctive.
TJKS: How often do you work out?
Miss Nique: Umm lol not as much as I should.
TJKS: Tell us about your website http://missniqueunleashed.com/?
Miss Nique: http://missniqueunleashed.com/ is basically my big stepping stone. Its all exclusive contents(pictures and videos). An most of the content cannot be seen anywhere. An mixture of erotic to softcore.
TJKS: What are some of your future goals?
Miss Nique: My biggest goal is to a course become and household name like no other.
TJKS: How would you best describe your personality?
Miss Nique: My personality is an bit quirky and odd but altogether and fun loving person.
TJKS: We’ve been following you on Twitter..you are quite the character 🙂 Is that a good snapshop of your personality?
Miss Nique: Yes to sum it up but remember it is just twitter lol.
TJKS: What are some of your guilty pleasures?
Miss Nique: Well I would say am an big eater I love to dine out or cook but its usually high calorie food which packs on the weight.
TJKS: Whats your definition of sexy?
Miss Nique: You handle your business like an boss an still look good doing it.
TJKS: I know alot of men probably hit on you… what about women?
Miss Nique: Are the ladies checking for you too.. If so how do you feel about it?
Yea I ve been getting a lot of flirty women hitting on me. An I have an open mind so am never rude too them I may even flirt back depending on my mood.
TJKS: What would we find under your bed be honest now?
Miss Nique: A bunch of notebooks and paper of me writing different ideas or just notes.
TJKS: Whats your most memorable shoot?
Miss Nique: I think the most memorable shoot I had was with an photographer who about and year ago agreed with an friend an told him that I don’t have the look. However he had to swallow those words because he starting hitting me up every where to shoot with him again because he saw the attention that other was giving me.
TJKS: How do you feel about the sudden spike of buttock enhancements over the past couple of years in the urban modeling business?
TJKS: Not that you need it!!! Lol
Miss Nique: You know it is what it is those that get it will more than likely have health problems at an later time in life or just the physical appearance with not be so pretty. So am rock with my natural booty.
TJKS: What type of music do you listen to?
Miss Nique: I listen to all if it has and catchy beat or tune. An it the lyrics have substance am all ears.
TJKS: Gangsta or Gentlemen?
Miss Nique: When I was younger I love the dope boys , gangsters you name it . But with age and wisdom I learn nothing good come to those in the fast life so I’ll take an gentlemen any day. An treat him like an king.
TJKS: What is the worst pickup line you have ever heard?
Miss Nique: You should take my number I got an business proposition for you.
TJKS: What are some of your turn-ons and turnoffs?
Miss Nique: I turn on by a person intelligence, aura, success and yes money. I get turnoff by people who don’t dream, rude or racist people.
TJKS: What is something about you that people would be surprised to know?
Miss Nique: On my sites http://missniqueunleashed.com/ or www.uluvmissnique.com. An twitter me @uluvmissnique. An a course if both are schedules don’t conflict.
TJKS: Well thank you Miss Nique and I hope you keep us updated so we can keep you on the grind?
Miss Nique: I most definitely will.
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