Music to our ears!! Rachel Maddow called Bill O’Reilly the clown a “race-baiting f*ck,” CNN tried to hire Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews wanted Phil Donahue out of MSNBC.
Those are but three of the juicy revelations in Gabriel Sherman’s must-read New York magazine cover story this week about CNN and MSNBC, appropriately titled, “Chasing Fox.”
The cable news business is notoriously competitive, as Sherman captures in his feud-heavy, 6,000-word-plus article. Below, just a sampling of some of the feuds unveiled in the piece — read the full article at for more.
Rachel Maddow vs. Bill O’Reilly
After O’Reilly called Maddow an “NBC News loon,” Maddow said she wanted to respond by wearing a loon suit. “Sorry, you really hurt my feelings,” she said referencing O’Reilly. “I am a loon. I’m on the Canadian dollar bill. It’s awful…but you, however, are also a race-baiting fuck.”