Jesse James mistress Michelle ‘Bombshell’ Mcgee is embroiled in a bitter custody battled with her ex, Shane Modica, and she has filed papers in which she denies being a Nazi, supporting “white power” and exposing her kids to her porn shoots.
TMZ has the court documents. Here are some of Bombshell’s denials:
I do NOT have a swastika tattoo on me.
I do NOT show my children how to ‘Nazi salute.’
The child block magnets spelling ‘white power’ was NOT of my doing. Friends of Shane’s did this and gave the picture to Shane upon HIS requested (sic) so he could use it against me in court.
I do NOT do any pornography in my house.
I do NOT do any webcam ‘sessions’ from my home with my children present.
TMZ reports that Bombshell has a swastika tattoo on her genital region and has a picture of the magnets spelling out “white power” on her refrigerator.