UPDATED 7-3-2010
Basia is a beautiful young model from Pittsburgh, that has a passion for modeling. She is very eye catching and camera-friendly. Basia is not shy when it comes to the camera, she has been in front of the camera since she was three years old. Basia has a love for dancing as she has danced most of her life. She has traveled in the USA performing many styles of dance and has achieved numerous awards and trophies for the art. Basia has a passion for art. She’s a writer, love for photography, graphic design, and mixed media. Basia has a blog that everyone has given great feedback from: BasiaMarie.blogspot.com. Basia was so kind to take time out of her busy schedule to have a sit and chat with TJKS this honey will blow your mind.
Name: Basia
Location: Pittsburgh
Date of Birth: July 24th
Ethnic Background: Native American, Irish, Latina & Black
Height: 5′3
Weight: 110
Measurements: 36. 24. 36
T-Shirt Size: Med
Shoe Size:8
Interview with Basia
Jamking: How did you get into modeling?
Basia: I always received offers and finally I decided to get involved. Modeling is just another form of art to me, so of course I want to be apart of this field.
Jamking: What do you think is your best physical attribute?
Basia: I love my legs – pretty long for a short person, my hair, cheekbones and eyes.
Jamking: How often do you work out?
Basia: I don’t, I haven’t worked out in about 3 years, but whenever I feel like working out i do pilates.
Jamking: What are some of your current projects?
Basia: Its a secret, but I’ll let you know soon. 🙂
Jamking: What are some of your future goals?
Basia: I just want to be happy and successful in whatever i choose to do. I want my own PR firm. I just figured out what I want to do recently. I know I’ll be great at managing and marketing and that field is pretty kick-ass.
Jamking: Ive been following you on Twitter..you are quite the character 🙂 Is that a good snapshop of your personality?
Basia: Haha thanks! Yeah, I say a lot of…. outgoing things and that’s exactly how I am in life, I don’t feel the need to censor what really going on in the world, someone needs to say it.
Jamking: What are some of your guilty pleasures?
Basia: hmm… I am a sucker for seafood, if that really counts?? That’s really all I eat and I could be happy with that all day everyday.
Jamking: Whats your definition of sexy?
Basia: Someone who is confident and doesn’t need to be spoken of how it is so.
Jamking: What type of music do you listen to?
Basia: I listen to EVERYTHING, including country. I really don’t like the mainstream rap|RnB music today, so if you checked my ipod it hasn’t been updated for about 2 years. 80s to early 2000s for all genres was a great time.
Jamking: You have great vibe and sex appeal in your photos. Is that from practice or does that come naturally?
Basia: Thank you. Comes naturally, I don’t think I have any sex appeal. I’m just myself.
Jamking: Whats your biggest obsession?
Basia:I love shoes, at least 6inches
Jamking: Clothes, Shoes or bag?
Basia: I love my red stilettos in my pics, has to be my favorite.
Jamking: What was your most memorable shoot?
Basia: Shooting with Jordan Beckham. I love his work and creativity. He’s the only photography I really enjoy working with.
Jamking: What are some of your turn-ons and turnoffs?
Basia: Turn-Ons: I love tall guys, creative people, I always end up with the artistic people and its not like ‘oh he/she can draw’ its like “WOW this should be in a museum” They are usually creative in every aspect of art. I love caring, generous, loving, honesty, communication, trust, not a liar, willing to help others no matter what, confidence, and very respectful.
Turn-Offs: I could go on and on about this: arrogant, conceited, rude, liars, cheaters, liking someone only for their money, or what they do or only because of how they look. Disrespectful towards everyone – especially women. An asshole or dick, for real. I cant stand that shit. I strongly dislike people who flash what they do in my face like I’m supposed to hop on their dick or pay homage like every other woman might do or their used to.
Jamking: What is something about you that people would be surprised to know?
Basia: Um, I am a “nerd” to the fullest. A lot of my close friends, of course know but other people wouldn’t, unless you get to know me.
Jamking: Whats your birthsign?
Basia:I am a Leo.
Jamking: Where else can we see your other than thejamkingshow?
Basia: Kush Candi, EAST COAST FINEST,Tawag Promotions, Underground Fuzion, Model Mafia, Orka Ent, SNR Productions, Diamond Ent, Divalicious Wednesday Triple Crown Radio, Divalicious Wednesday, Fox-Of-Week, && some others.
Radio: Tmillz & Triple Crown Radio
Jamking: Any words for your fans?
Basia: Thanks for all your love and support it means a lot to me, keep it up!
Well Basia we thank you for this and all the best!! You make damn sure to keep us in now??
Basia: Thank you for the interview and of course I will. Thanks so much.
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CHECK OUT MY BLOG, I PROMISE YOU’LL LOVE IT 🙂 BasiaMarie.blogspot.com <<– Subscribe please
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A cool post right there mate . Cheers for the post !